Check out our latest blogs below:
Stay Sharp! Leading through Anxious Times
Anxiety impacts work performance and is contagious. In this Stay Sharp! guide: Understanding anxiety and how it presents? Who is likely to be anxious in the team? How to look after yourself? Leading the team? Actions to take? (Please subscribe to keep reading so we...
Stay Sharp! Let the music take you …. brain health at any age
Body and Brain in Sync! In this blog: Is learning an instrument easy? Why learning as an adult IS harder The reasons to keep trying This Coach's suggestions of how to get the benefits without such frustration An article1 in a UK national paper bemoans the difficulty...
Would you have done that, knowing what you know now?
It was a question to make you blink and become aware of your brain skidding in real time as it attempts to gain the traction that comes with understanding what was just asked. Then the Gods of Logic come to your aid as you realise the question is unanswerable,...